“Discover How To Create Simple, Irresistible Raw & Plant-Based Foods to Bring Lightness And Vibrancy Into Your Everyday Life”
Looking for simple, quick to make and nutritious raw food recipes to boost your energy levels and improve your health? You’re in the right place!

From: Paul and Yulia Tarbath
Dear health food lover,
How would you feel if you were eating more delicious and nutritious raw food meals every day that left you healthy and energetic?
What if you no longer had to worry about gaining extra pounds from the food that you eat and feeling stuffed, bloated and guilty?
Well, we have some good news …
All this can become your reality when you eat the right foods – that is fresh, whole, from plants, low in fat and as much raw as possible.
Eating healthy is not about starvation.
Neither it’s about spending hours in the kitchen or having “boring” meals you don’t enjoy.
Instead, imagine getting to eat meals like these every day… all while watching your body transform …

It’s Time To Eat More Healthy Raw Meals!
Transitioning to a successful whole food, raw foods vegan lifestyle depends greatly on you enjoying what you eat.
This may sound blindingly obvious, but you would be surprised how many people can struggle and even fail on this lifestyle simply because they don’t eat meals that fully satisfy them!
In addition to that, the majority of the mainstream raw food meals are anything but healthy for you!
Many of the raw vegan recipes that you will find available are poorly combined, heavy to digest and are overloaded with fat. For example, some of them can contain up to 20 ingredients and can include dried fruit, avocado, nuts and seeds, acid fruit and even oil all in one recipe!
It is shocking to see the types of health issues such raw food diets can lead to, including poor digestion, blood sugar spikes, fatigue, skin issues and more …
The good news is that this does not have to happen to you. Yes, you can eat well and enjoy every single luscious bite on a raw food lifestyle!
As raw foodists since 2009 and Nutritionists ourselves, we wanted to create healthy, nutritious and easy to make raw recipes that you can use over and over again to create and maintain a beautiful body!
So we’re thrilled to introduce you to …

Here’s what you’ll find in Thrive On Raw Recipes:
- 40 low-fat raw vegan recipes that are very easy to put together (anyone can make them! Ideal for busy peeps out there!)
- Raw drinks, including fruit smoothies, greens smoothies and “cocktails”
- Tasty soups that can be prepared in a flash
- Crunchy wraps, creamy dips and nourishing salads to bring a diversity of amazing and healthy flavours into your day-to-day menu
- Mouth-watering main courses from around the world that taste so good that you will want to eat them over and over again
- Lusciously sweet raw vegan desserts that you can enjoy without feeling guilty
- Super healthy, gourmet low-fat raw vegan recipes that you will fall in love with, including lasagna, Mexican platter, raw burger, Italian spaghetti, Russian borsch, Mediterranean olive dressing, French crepe with chocolate crème, and more
- Recipes that completely avoid unhealthy and stimulating ingredients, such as oil, soy products, garlic, onion, salt, hot spices and vinegar
- 100% healthy, whole food and nutrient packed meals
- Step-by-step instructions for each recipe to make it even easier for you!
- 2 special chapters: an easy overview of the high-fruit raw food lifestyle AND an effective, step-by-step guide on how you too can transition to the healthiest version of the raw food diet
Forget about time consuming and complicated gourmet food preparation! In “Thrive On Raw Recipes” Paul and Yulia give you a comprehensive step by step guide to follow this lifestyle the right way. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced raw foodist, the recipes here are simple to make and with a blend of fresh ingredients in clever combinations. Even though I’ve been doing this for 3 years there’s endless combinations of foods I haven’t tried.
In my journey to health, this lifestyle has proven be the ultimate tool for healing, both physical and spiritual. I have reversed type 2 diabetes and hypothyroidism, along with many other annoying issues like insomnia, migraine headaches and depression. I can honestly say it has made me a better person, I’m happier with myself and with the life I lead. I believe that the expertise and the yummy meals that Paul and Yulia share in Thrive On Raw Recipes can guide you and help you achieve your health and personal goals.”
Let’s have a look at just some of the mouth-watering recipes that you’ll find in this book:
Energising drinks:

- Mango and raspberry smoothie
- Watermelon shake
- Green banana smoothie
- Orange and nectarine cocktail
Crunchy salads and wraps:

- Noodles with spinach and blue “cheese”
- Avocado wraps
- Garden salad with orange-sesame dressing
- Zesty tomato and chive salsa
Mouth-watering main courses:

- Pineapple pasta pesto
- Lasagne with red and green sauce
- Raw burger with ketchup and chips
- Italian spaghetti with rich marinara sauce
- Mexican guacamole, tacos and rice
Guilt-free desserts:

- French pancake with chocolate creme
- Pear pie
- Banana ice-cream with raspberry sauce
- Fruit kebabs with creamy blueberry sauce
Blue orange smoothie
Watermelon shake
Tangerines and spinach topped with raspberry dressing
Sweet corn wraps
Zesty pear soup
Russian borsch
Avocado wraps
Garden salad with orange and sesame dressing
Noodles with spinach and blue “cheese”
Raw ketchup
Mediterranean olive dressing
Pineapple pasta pesto
Italian spaghetti with rich marinara sauce
Mexican platter with guacamole, tacos and rice
Potato mash with mushroom sauce
Banana ice cream with apple and raspberry sauce
Fruit kebabs with blue sauce
French pancake with chocolate cream
You’ll start off with a grape drink, which will be followed by courgette rolls with bete pate, after which you’ll enjoy butternut nut loaf with “potato” mash and mushroom sauce. For dessert, you’ll have delicious, spiced festive pudding … what a treat!
More testimonies:
Just having these vibrant, sensual recipes in our lives inevitably creates higher self-esteem. I feel good about myself when I’m preparing, serving them to loved ones and eating them.
I’m reminded that I can still treat myself, without feeling tired or hungover after cooked or fatty gourmet raw. I’m full of inspiration to vary the habitual mono fruit meals and the staple banana smoothies.
OMG, French pancake with chocolate cream! Enjoy!”
“Thrive on Raw Recipes delivers more meals than anyone can make. 40 raw food recipes! On top of this, they discuss ideas on how to succeed with a raw food diet in a way that everyone can easily follow.
If you’re wondering what the secrets are, look no further. The secrets to success and every recipe to go with it are all revealed here. This is the book we’ve all been looking for! A+ work, I highly recommend it.”
The recipes that you will find in Thrive On Raw Recipes book are:
- tasty, simple and low-fat raw vegan
- quick to make and ideal for busy people
- will aid healthy digestion
- made with ingredients that are easy to find
- salt, vinegar, hot spice, soy, onion and garlic free (some include chives, which you can omit)

About Us:
Our passion for nutrition and health began back in 2006 and ever since then we have dedicated ourselves to ongoing research and education in this field. We are both qualified Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioners. Yulia’s formal studies also include a degree in psychology and a degree in Business Studies.
We educate and coach on raw food nutrition, assisting people from all over the world in reaching their optimum health potential. We have written books and developed many educational resources on raw health, delivered talks and coached people around the world, appeared in media (magazines, radio, health shows) and run a popular blog and youtube channel at www.rawsomehealthy.com.
More testimonies:
The Thrive On Raw Recipes book has helped me to discover amazing recipes for me to be able to maintain a mostly raw food diet. I never realised that you can prepare so many delicious and nutritious meals on this diet! I am really grateful to Paul and Yulia Tarbath for writing this book. I know that many people will benefit from their book and I cannot recommend it enough”.
After eating a raw meal, I feel a boost in energy. This is so much better than feeling tired and wanting to sleep after eating heavy and unhealthy cooked foods!
Having raw food recipes is a must for anyone wanting to eat raw, yet doesn’t know what to eat. In Thrive On Raw Recipes I discovered the tastiest dishes that I have ever seen in raw foodism. Thank you, Paul and Yulia for creating them!”
“But Will I Miss My Old Foods Of The Past?”
We hear you. We also had the same concern when we made our decision to go raw vegan back in the summer of 2009. We both wondered how we would react to this great change in our diet. We would certainly get the calories and nutrients that our bodies needed, but what about the satiation factor?
Would we really like the taste of raw foods enough to make it work, or would our taste buds feel cheated and start pestering us for the old foods?
Well … we needn’t have worried about the meals of the past that we were afraid to replace, like pasta with tomato sauce, lasagna, creamy soups, burgers and ice-creams. In fact, it was just our own fear and nothing else!
Little did we know about a great diversity of nutritious and absolutely delicious raw food recipes we were to discover! Not only did they help us to make a successful transition to a raw food plan, we also noticed how our energy levels doubled within a short space of time, our bodies started to detoxify and heal and we begun shedding off the extra pounds and getting fitter than ever before!
And if you feel that eating all raw is too much of a leap for you, simply use our recipe book to increase your consumption of raw foods. Any step matters and your body will soon thank you for it!

Q&As about Thrive On Raw Recipes book
Q. Are these recipes suitable for beginners?
A: Absolutely! In fact, regardless of what stage of the raw food journey you are at, our recipes can definitely help you stay on track. They are also low in fat and are very healthy.
Q: Are your recipes gluten-free?
A. Yes. All the recipes are gluten free. They also exclude other unhealthy ingredients, such as vinegar, oils, syrups and hot spices.
Q. Are your recipes soy-free?
A. Yes! All the recipes that you will find in this book are soy free.
Q. Are your recipes suitable for people with nut or seed allergies?
A. Yes. Only 2 recipes out of the 40 in total contain nuts and only 4 recipes contain seeds.
Q. Will I need a dehydrator to make your recipes?
A: No. Only 1 out of the 40 recipes in the book requires the use of a dehydrator.
Q. Do you have a physical version of this book?
A. Yes! Just scroll below and select your package.
Ready to taste the recipes?
If you want to be successful with eating healthy raw foods in your diet, you need to have tasty recipes at hand.
The Thrive On Raw Recipes book gathers together mouth-watering low-fat raw vegan meals for any occasion. So why wait to get started when you can order our book right away? Enjoy!
Yours in abundant health,
Paul and Yulia Tarbath
Select Your Package:
Thrive On Raw Recipes – Digital Book
What’s included:
- Thrive On Raw Recipes (e-book, instant download, PDF format, no shipping)
Raw Food Recipe Bundle – Three Books In One Package!
What’s included:
- 100+ raw food recipes for all tastes and occasions.
- Thrive Raw Recipes: 40 mouth watering raw vegan meals.
- Deliciously Raw Dinners: 36 low-fat raw vegan dinner time recipes.
- Lean And Healthy Raw Food Winter Recipes: 30 low-fat raw food meals for the colder time of the year.
- Instant download, PDF format, no shipping.