The Health Mastery Academy Application
Hi there,
Thank you for your interest in working with us!
Before you apply for your call with us to see if or how we can help you on your health restoration journey, we wanted to make sure that you understand who this is for and who this is not for.
This is for:
- People who are looking to take action and start working on their health NOW.
- People who are ready to take full responsibility for their health and commit to what they need to do to get well.
- People who are ready to invest in themselves in terms of time, commitment and finances.
- People who want to adopt a natural health restoration plan.
- People who are coachable and want to follow a clear plan with support, tools and guidance to achieve their big health and lifestyle goals.
This is NOT for:
- People who are not willing to take full responsibility for their health, invest in themselves and take action now.
- People who want more information and tips, versus a deep and profound transformation and coaching support.
- People who are skeptics and prefer to live in “I need to think about it” mode (vs take action and do things).
- People who are not willing to do what it takes to restore their health holistically.
Note: Although The Accelerator Call Is Free, Working With Us Personally Requires A Financial Investment
How To Schedule Your Call:
- Click on the link below and fill in a short application.
- After that, you’ll be taken to the “thank you” page where you’ll get some special bonuses.
- Your application will be reviewed by us and if we need to clarify anything – we’ll get back to you.
- We’ll proceed with our call together and we look forward to helping you get your health back on track!
Here’re Just Some Our Clients’ Testimonies:

Lost 42 Pounds And Came Off 14 Medications In 2 Months!
“Since starting this way of life, I have lost 42 pounds. I came off 14 medications in just 2 months, balanced my blood sugar and my blood pressure is perfect.
Before I started this new lifestyle, I had 59 years of bad eating practices to change. Paul and Yulia explained everything to me so clearly that it made things much easier. Now everything has changed for me. What keeps me motivated is how I feel, I eat to keep all the ailments away, and it certainly works. I can honestly say I can now do everything I did when I was twenty!”

25 Pounds Lighter – Slim, Fit, Strong And Happy
“I am a personal trainer and I absolutely love my job. But unfortunately, after losing my dad and coming to emotional eating, I gained a lot of weight.I felt that I had to quit my job as a personal trainer and find less meaningful work elsewhere. After months of struggling with low self esteem, I found Yulia and Paul.
Yulia motivated me to get on a healthy eating path and re-ignited my passion for health and nutrition. She gave me practical tips for everyday living, including simple recipes.
I lost 25 lbs, I’m back to doing personal training again, I’m slim, fit strong and happy. I can’t thank Paul and Yulia enough!”

Lost Over 45 Lbs And Restored Health
“I was overweight my entire adult life and I lost over 45lbs thanks to the lifestyle Yulia’s helped me to transition to. My BMI went all the way from the “obese” range to the “healthy” range.
I used to be pre-diabetic, had headaches almost every day, restless leg syndrome, random pains in my body, horrible PMS, and chronic fatigue. I had frequent colds, flu, urinary tract infections and yeast infections, and many more unpleasant symptoms. All of these symptoms went away after I changed my lifestyle!”

97% Restored From Lyme And Balanced Candida
“I worked with Yulia in order to help get better established on the 80/10/10 diet. At the time I was dealing with horrific detox symptoms from a lifetime of poor dietary choices. Over the years I have gone back to her advice again and again and found that it is the best advice I have ever received for staying in remission from Lyme disease. I am forever grateful for the advice she gave me on candida, which also holds true to Lyme and other pathogens in the body.
I would not make the mistake of going it alone with the 80/10/10 diet when it comes to overcoming any chronic or serious conditions.
I am so grateful I got to work with Yulia and get a good jump start my restoration. Today I am 97% restored from Lyme and co-infections, as long as I eat the way she told me to eat and take some key supplements that have helped as well. Thank you for everything you do!”

Released 20 Pounds In 6 Weeks And Reversed Type 2 Diabetes
“When I came to work with Paul and Yulia, I was 100 lbs over weight, with long-term type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other health issues.
9 days after I switched to the new lifestyle plan, my blood sugar went down from 160 to 110.
I was eating a high fruit and carbohydrate diet and for the first time in years my blood sugar levels were dropping. After 6 weeks, my blood sugar dropped to 98 – the lowest it’s been … forever! My doctor took me off some of my medications.
I lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks. My energy levels had gone through the roof and my skin started to glow.
After 90 days, I lost 30 pounds. My blood pressure and resting pulse were now both perfect. My high cholesterol levels had dropped.
I feel like I have a new life. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Balanced Hormones And Was Taken Off Medication In 2 Weeks
“I came to work with Paul because I had issues with weight management and elevated prolactin level.
Within 2 weeks of the diet and lifestyle plan that Paul has created for me, I have had the highest alkaline indicators I have ever had before.
My prolactin levels have stabilised and my doctor has taken me off medication which I was supposed to be taking for life. My hormones were healed naturally.
I felt increase in energy, mind clarity. I lost 3 kilos (6 1/2 pounds) in 4 weeks without restricting myself of any carbohydrates.
It was a pleasure to work with Paul – he is very attentive to detail and focused on achieving the goals as defined for in my coaching.
I am going to continue on the path of healthy eating and feeling very motivated by the results I witnessed and knowledge received during the coaching with Paul.”