Thyroid Weight Loss Diet And Why It’s Not A Keto Diet

Are you concerned about your thyroid health and your excess weight and want to learn about what the best thyroid weight loss diet is?

If you thyroid gland is working too slowly and so not producing enough hormones you will almost certainly notice that you gain excess weight very easily and then can’t get rid of it.

If this in itself is not worrying enough then there are all the other undesirable symptoms that come along with  hypothyroidism and these can include:

  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Pain
  • Poor or worse memory function
  • Constipation of other gut issues
  • Hair loss
  • Irregular menstruation

If not all these other health problems aren’t enough to have to deal with then comes the almost inevitable lower emotional state.

Anxiety, depression and typically a huge sense of frustration at what is happening to your level of health.

At this stage many women will look beyond just taking prescribed medications and will also feverously research ways to help them deal with their thyroid health and weight loss, using internet search terms like thyroid diet plans, I have hypothyroidism and can’t lose weight, how to lose weight with hypothyroidism, how to lose 20 pounds with hypothyroidism and foods to eat with hypothyroidism.

Thyroid Weight Loss Diet

Unfortunately, and we have witnessed this many times with our clients, is that many women will go with a high fat diet like a keto diet in the mistaken belief it will be the answer to their failing health.

Yet a Keto diet is actually the worse thyroid weight loss diet that you can follow!

They are led to believe that how to take care of your thyroid and the best hypothyroidism lifestyle changes you can make include a diet high in fat but this is not backed up by science and in fact research has shown us that going low carb can negatively affect the thyroid gland by:

  • A drop in metabolic rate and energy production (1)
  • Causing a fall in the active T3 thyroid hormone (2)
  • And by raising the thyroid blocking Reverse T3 hormone level (2)

All of these suppress your thyroid function and so negatively affect your health and that includes problems with weight loss.

So what do you need to do instead?

Well, in my video today I talk about the 3 mistakes you can make with your thyroid weight loss diet and how to enjoy all the carbohydrates you care to eat while at the same time improving the health of your thyroid and losing weight naturally without resorting to crazy fad dieting.

Ready for your big health leap?

We’re excited to invite you to our FREE online masterclass.

During our training, we’ll walk you through the 5 steps our clients use to overcome hormonal imbalances and drop 10-50 pounds of extra weight … whilst never restricting themselves of carbohydrates and sugar.

Don’t miss out, claim your spot here!

P.S. If you want us to help you reverse your hormonal issues, reduce or get off medication and release weight naturally – schedule your Health Accelerator Call and let’s talk about your next steps.






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