Gained Weight On Raw Diets Eating 3,000 Calories?

If you follow it properly, the high fruit, raw vegan diet is the healthiest and most sustainable way to achieve weight loss.

Since some people are now doing the Raw Till 4 lifestyle, I also decided to include it and talk about why instead of achieving weight loss, some people actually end up gaining weight.

I share my personal story on how and why I gained weight on the 80/10/10 raw food diet and how you can avoid making the same mistake I made.


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34 thoughts on “Gained Weight On Raw Diets Eating 3,000 Calories?

  •   KirstinR92 RecoveredBulimic  |   

    I love your point of view <3

  •   Andy Fair  |   

    Very good advice, thanks for the video.

  •   Habitat for Herbivores  |   

    Great points. I agree with everything you said. listen to your body!

  •   th1smomentisfate  |   

    This is why i stopped following Freelee, like everyone i believed her lies.
    She shows herself eating an INSANE amount of food. That caused me and many
    people to gain weight. I dont know why she can eat like that, if its her
    fitness, or her genes, or what it is. But i dont think many people can eat
    like her without gaining weight. And what bugs me is that when people tell
    her they are gaining weight, she freaks out and calls them fat, and tells
    them to keep eating…..

  •   Winterchild  |   

    I eat aprox 2000 kcal in the biginning of my journey had depression and
    felt weak fatigued and restricted to Not put on any weight. Then I started
    watching durian rider and started eating more . Now two weeks later
    depression is clearing up more energy om gettinh better each day. I have
    been exercising and im toning up. So i think its very individual. But for
    me durianrider saved me from eating disorder. He basically saved my life.
    So i guess its very individual how many calories for each person.


    AWESOME! Thank you so much for this video.
    Durian rider is a sociopath who is toxic for the vegan movement!
    I’m still in the the transition phase, and am doing good on raw til 4
    slamming in the fruit while exercising hard, however, I understand a 100#
    female will eat a lot less than me. We need to be open to other viewpoints
    and not dogmatic.

  •   Julia Bernard  |   

    I agree with you! Well said!

  •   msladytrue6789  |   

    I actually started eatin to much to where I was upset I went from 120 to
    135 quick I also realized I was not starvin my self I was actually ok so
    now im workin on losin theses 15 pounds n I actually losin it becuz I quit
    eatin so much n I kne now I didnt need all of tht ur right I autally argee
    wit u n also I still love freelee n anyone else who is on a vegan
    lifestyle. Im learnin to do wht best for me not wht every one else say

  •   Sadie Smiles  |   

    I’m a bit half-half on this subject. Personally I’m pregnant so I’m not
    trying to lose weight but I decided absolutely no concentration on calorie
    restricting. This is my second pregnancy and I’ve been able to maintain my
    weight all through the first trimester. With my first pregnancy I was on a
    standard diet and gained a huge amount of weight which didn’t really go
    away. However I don’t actively count my calories. On the one hand I feel
    that eating much more food is meaning no cravings, no relapses to wanting
    to return to a standard diet and I have energy all the time. So while I
    don’t actively try and reach a specific goal of 2,500 to 3,000 calories,
    it’s definitely more than the 1,200 to 1,700 calories I was consuming.
    However this was coming from a standard diet to a transitioning vegan high
    carb plant based diet. I think unfortunately people are so out of tune with
    their bodies coming from calorie restricting backgrounds that it would do
    them a world of good in terms of energy and a generally good feeling to at
    least aim for 2,500, with weightloss being something that comes with this
    tuning back in with your body. Great balanced approach to your message 🙂

  •   The Carbivore  |   

    I’ve been eating raw till 4 style for 2.5 years (now mainly raw, maybe 1
    cooked meal a week outside home) and never put on weight. Was having even
    more than 3000 few days of the week, didn’t do any specific exercise, but
    was working 5 days a week always on my legs and always cycling to get to
    work and back. Never counted the calories on purpose tho, only once in a
    while to see the nutrients intake. It’s so funny tho that I get many more
    nutrients now only because I have raw dinner instead of cooked, the
    difference is quite incredible, specially thinking that it takes less
    calories. I didn’t loose weight on raw till 4, in 3 months of almost
    completely raw eating unlimited calories (would say average of 2500 or bit
    more, depending on the fruit I have) I’ve lost without exercising almost 5
    kg (11 pounds). I have a very active lifestyle due to work and the bicycle
    is my vehicle, lift forniture/rugs/boxes for customers. Simply listen to
    your body after following a clean vegan lifestyle plan for a while (body
    need to detox from all junk) and you’ll be sorted 🙂 I do have fats now
    daily, mainly avocado or coconut, which makes me feel much better and

  •   Vegan Growth  |   

    Great video! I hear many people who have this problem of gaining weight on
    rawtil4 and such because they are constantly told to CTFU or smash in the
    calories and are actually told by the admins of the diet that they aren’t
    getting enough calories when they record their food. I graduated in
    nutrition and know that everyone has different caloric needs depending on
    various factors in their life. Weight gainers are criticized, being told
    that they gained weight because of their yoyo dieting from the past and
    messed up metabolism, but that isn’t completely the case. This caloric
    recommendation for 2500 has no science backed up for it, and doesn’t take
    into account how people feel. Eating until satiated isn’t recommended, just
    making sure the caloric recommendation is met is important which can be
    harmful to many people on the diet. Great video and hope baby is doing

  •   activedreamer  |   

    I have been eating more to lose weight. Although I greatly improved
    diabetes, my weight has gone slightly up. Not too happy with that. I’ve
    been eating pasta, and wonder if it is that, as one of the plant based diet
    authors says pasta is junkfood, or if it’s too many calories in the

  •   xshaun1111  |   

    Well said, thanks:)

  •   Empowering Medicine ✪ Herbalist  |   

    great video, love this information explained very well

  •   RAWSY  |   

    well said. I think it is quite easy to eat more calories when you
    incorporate cooked starches or nuts and seeds. I believe fruits are quite
    satiating and unless you stuff yourself on purpose your body knows when to

  •   RAWSY  |   

    well said. I think it is quite easy to eat more calories when you
    incorporate cooked starches or nuts and seeds. I believe fruits are quite
    satiating and unless you stuff yourself on purpose your body knows when to

  •   Jan Armentrout  |   

    very good explanation and good information for newbies etc. Good to
    recheck our habits each day also!

  •   Jan Armentrout  |   

    very good explanation and good information for newbies etc. Good to
    recheck our habits each day also!

  •   kat carroll  |   

    i love you yulia, And the neckless it looks great with all those color and
    yes i did gain weight on raw til 4 plus the white rice was taking a turn or
    the worst on me being a newly breastfeeding mom for the first time and i
    suffer greatly i am glad i found raw food and i love watching you for
    inspiration and being educated! now i just eat until i am full and if i get
    hungry after my baby drink my breast i just go and eat some more again and
    i only do walks and light yoga in the morning when i also sun gaze and
    chores around the house and i lost the weight this way and i keeping it off
    ! especially when i eat tons of fruit! and my vibration is be in check if
    i don’t eat fruits for one day which never happen these day i use to get
    angry for no reason and have a stink attitude , with that alive fruits i am
    alive and happier everyday , plan to start some running soon!

  •   kat carroll  |   

    i love you yulia, And the neckless it looks great with all those color and
    yes i did gain weight on raw til 4 plus the white rice was taking a turn or
    the worst on me being a newly breastfeeding mom for the first time and i
    suffer greatly i am glad i found raw food and i love watching you for
    inspiration and being educated! now i just eat until i am full and if i get
    hungry after my baby drink my breast i just go and eat some more again and
    i only do walks and light yoga in the morning when i also sun gaze and
    chores around the house and i lost the weight this way and i keeping it off
    ! especially when i eat tons of fruit! and my vibration is be in check if
    i don’t eat fruits for one day which never happen these day i use to get
    angry for no reason and have a stink attitude , with that alive fruits i am
    alive and happier everyday , plan to start some running soon!

  •   TopOrAfk  |   

    Los pelos de punta, como de costumbre, esa puta magia que consigues no la
    encuentro en ningún puto vídeo, echo de menos vídeos con esta puta calidad,
    enhorabuena hermano, de verdad, eres genial.

  •   Real Raw Talk  |   

    Finally, a voice of pure rational thinking! Thanks Yulia I love your
    channel xx

  •   IcarusFlying  |   


  •   Dharia Lurie  |   

    I think the problem with raw till 4 that people don’t realize, is that
    Freelee herself had been following it not that long. She lost all her
    weight by being fully (or almost) fully raw, right? It takes time to gain
    weight. Some people gain weight quickly, for some it is very gradual. Of
    course people are different, some are very active and have faster
    metabolism, so they do well on raw till 4. A lot of others actually gain
    weight and feel quite hungry too (because no fat is allowed). I think if
    you are someone who is gaining weight, you should rethink what you are
    doing. The diet should feel right, it should feel right from the start. I
    think it would be great to make a poll and see how many people lost weight
    on raw till 4 and how many gained weight and compare the numbers. I think
    those who lost are those who are new to the whole vegan or raw movement. Of
    course when you introduce a lot of fresh produce and fruits to your diet
    you’ll lose weight. Intuitively I feel drawn to doing a raw food diet right
    now, it is summer here and that is what my body wants. I eat much more
    fresh vegetables than fruits and I also eat a lot of root vegetables like
    potatoes (raw), beets, carrots etc.

  •   moshberg747  |   

    2:13 original crip walk

  •   bracavi 564  |   

    Esto no es de patatapum sirve con todas las plantas .____.

  •   The Fruit Doctor  |   

    Awesome video. So glad you addressed this!

  •   40BelowFruity  |   

    For years I tried to stick with the 3000 calories per day recommendation
    and I never got to the size or shape I desired even though I was relatively
    fit. Now I eat around 2000 calories and feel so much better and never get
    the bloating or water retention that I used to get when I overstuffed

  •   Ayah612  |   


  •   fransiska mutz  |
    player vs player no bot
    MIN DEPOSIT 15.000
    MIN WITHDRAW 15.000

  •   Vegan Nayla  |   

    My raw till 4 it was the best thing i ever did in my life it Chang me I
    loss a lot of weight and loving it enjoying eating a lot of food which is
    the best thing I looove to eat

  •   Debbie Driver  |   

    After being vegan for over 20 years I gain about 4stone with rice, pasta,
    smoothies. I was in agony and really ill at points, it’s took over 2 years
    to reverse and still not quite there.I am concentrating on fitness this
    summer so hoping for more good results but it is very slow. I never come of
    the wagon for 23yrs !!! when you make a decision to eat Vegan it’s a
    conscious one, nothing to do with how many calories you eat.

  •   VegAnn  |   

    I just eat until im full but not bloated and stuffed 😛 around 2000

  •   Mica Welter  |   

    How much should i eat if i am currently eating about 1000 calories or so, i
    am a recovered anorexic from severe weight loss and deprivation. I now have
    a healthy weight, a bmi of 21, but of cource, i am still stuggling with
    food and want to go vegan but i am so scared of the “initial weight gain”
    and how contradicting it all is, listening to so many valid opinions i dont
    know what to do!! How should i start increasing my calories and what should
    i expect(some weight gain, maintaining. lossing??) please help with any
    advice and opinion you have:)

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