Weight Loss Before And After Story: Losing 30 Pounds In 90 Days

Weight loss before and after stories are always popular because so many people in our world want to lose some excess weight.

One of the problems though is not just losing that excess weight but keeping it off long term and in a sustainable way.

That definitely means no starvation diets or just drinking veggie juices all day long (we need calories and the plant fiber too)!

So following a plant-based diet the right way is crucial to your long-term success.

We have witnessed many weight loss before and after women’s stories in our health coaching program but what about a weight loss transformation in 3 months?

One of these lovely people that we worked with was a lady called Judy from New Jersey.

Judy was looking for her very own weight loss before and after story and not only this she suffered from high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, was 100 pounds overweight, and also suffered from type 2 diabetes.

As you might agree, she had a lot of health issues to work on.

Many people still think that to cure diabetes like type 2 diabetes is just not possible.

Insulin resistance which Judy suffered with was eliminated by her new low fat, high raw vegan diet.

Cutting out the excess fat and unhealthy foods in her diet made a huge difference to her health.

Following a raw food vegan diet or a high raw vegan diet like Judy did can work wonders for your weight and overall health, including your skin.

So, in today’s video, we talk with Judy about her 30-pound weight loss before and after as well as all the other positive health changes that she experienced thanks to changing her diet and lifestyle.

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