Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Natural PCOS Treatment

Polysistic Ovary Syndrome, also known as PCOS, is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women.

Is there a natural PCOS treatment? Not according to traditional doctors as they say that there’s no cure for this condition. Yet, I restored my own PCOS and I want to show you how you can too.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that happens due to elevated male hormones in females.

With this hormonal disorder, women suffer with enlarged ovaries that have small fluid filled sacs or (follicles).

PCOS is a problem with hormones that affects women during their childbearing years (15 to 44). Between 2.2 and 26.7 percent of women in this age group have PCOS (1, 2).

Personally, I got diagnosed with PCOS due to having an irregular period, but post-menopausal women can also suffer with Polysistic Ovary Syndrome. So it can affect women of different ages.

PCOS affects a woman’s ovaries, the reproductive organs that produce estrogen and progesterone.

These are the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of PCOS

Here are the most common symptoms that indicate this condition:

  • weight gain or obesity
  • ovaries contain a number of small fluid filled sacs (follicles)
  • excessive hair growth
  • irregular and painful menstruation
  • infertility
  • depression
  • oily skin or acne

PCOS test

A diagnosis of PCOS will usually involve a number of tests. 

These may include: 

  • blood pressure checks,
  • pelvic exam
  • ultrasound scan
  • blood test

PCOS and insulin resistance

Weight gain and insulin resistance are two contributing factors to PCOS.

If you don’t know what insulin resistance is, then your body’s cells become resistant to this hormone (insulin) that is used to transport sugar from your bloodstream and into your body’s cells.

This then causes the body to produce more insulin than it would do normally and this over the short and long term can set-off a whole host of health problems.

Higher than normal insulin levels can then also cause your ovaries to produce too much testosterone which women also produce just like men but in smaller amounts.

This can then impair normal ovulation, which can lead to PCOS.

PCOS treatment

PCOS can lead to several medical risks including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and endometrial cancer.

Traditional medical treatment for Polysistic Ovary Syndrome includes medication or surgery.

Very often doctors will offer a partial or a full hysterectomy, which costs tens of thousands of dollars in the US.

And it’s not all about cost. Women can lose important organs in their body.

Women need these organs for healthy hormones, to be able to conceive and give birth and also transition to menopause later on in life.

Surgical removal of female organs and the medications prescribed for PCOS come with their own problems and side effects.

Both of these fail to address the underlying issue.

So what’s a sustainable and natural PCOS treatment? Eat and live your way to hormonal health.

Weight management plays a big role in your hormonal health.

One study showed that calorie reduction AND consumption of adequate nutrient intake through healthy foods play an important role in healing Polysistic Ovary Syndrome.

A well-balanced, whole foods, plant foods diet will supply your body with optimum nutrition.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Natural PCOS Treatment

PCOS risks

There are also other health risks associated with having PCOS:

  • insulin resistance,
  • type 2 diabetes,
  • high cholesterol,
  • high blood pressure,
  • heart disease,
  • endometrial cancer.

PCOS can lead to several medical risks including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease and endometrial cancer.

Traditional medical PCOS treatment includes medication or surgery.

Very often doctors will offer a partial or a full hysterectomy, which costs tens of thousands of dollars in the US.

And it’s not all about cost. Women can lose important organs in their body and risk their lives.

Uterus is needed for healthy hormones, to be able to conceive and give birth and also transition to menopause later on in life.

Surgical removal of female organs and the medications prescribed for PCOS treatment comes with their own problems and side effects.

Both of these fail to address the underlying issue – nutrition and lifestyle.

PCOS Causes

There are many root causes of hormonal imbalances, including diet, lifestyle and deficiencies.

Hormone imbalances can be one of the symptoms of a poor functioning liver, gut, adrenal glands and other organs.

For example, your liver has many different functions.

This includes detoxification and conversion of the hormone T4 into the active T3 thyroid hormone. So when women have a low functioning thyroid with a low T3, it’s important to address the health of the liver.

The liver is one of the biggest detoxification organs in the body.

If you have fatty liver disease, or If your liver – your detoxification system – is constantly being bombarded with more and more toxins, then unwanted hormones are not excreted properly.

Instead, they recirculate throughout the bloodstream, causing hormonal imbalances.

Your gut bacteria also have a large role to play when it comes to your hormone levels because they can directly affect them.

These bacteria both produce hormones themselves and are affected by the hormones that our own bodies produce as well.

Estrogen is made primarily by your ovaries.

It then circulates through your body to your uterus and breasts and other organs, until it reaches your liver where it’s inactivated.

Inactivated estrogen is then supposed to be excreted from by your body through your poop.

Yet, if your gut is out of balance, only some of the estrogen may get excreted from your body with the rest remaining to negatively affect your estrogen levels, making them rise too high, or drop too low.

Evidence suggests that estrogen dominance increases your risk of breast cancer – which is the most common cancer among women in the USA.

Estrogen dominance can also lead to uterine cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infertility.

Hormonal imbalances, including PCOS can be improved and restored with the help of nutritional and lifestyle changes.

PCOS diet

Most of the time, our hormone imbalances are connected to what we eat. When changing your diet, think plant-based foods and high carb diet.

  • Change your diet: For instance, increase your fruit and vegetable intake, which will also increase your fibre intake. The fibre helps in the excretion of certain hormones, such as estrogen, which can help balance it out.
    Fruits is very high in antioxidants and other nutrients. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which are responsible for inflammation and cell damage.
  • Reduce inflammation: One way of reducing inflammation is by changing your diet to a plant-based diet. Healthy whole plant foods reduce inflammation and increase metabolism.
  • Restore your liver health: The liver is responsible for regulating and removing different types of hormones from the body. From sex and adrenal hormones to cortisol and thyroid hormones to name a few. If the liver is not functioning properly, you’ll have a hormonal imbalance. A liver restoring diet, which will be whole and plant foods plan, will help move things along and encourage your hormones to balance out again.

My PCOS journey

From the age of about 12 my periods were irregular and very painful and I remember going to lots of different doctors, including gynecologists.

They would tell me to take more pills, do more tests, track my basal temperature, and so many other things.

I was told by my doctors to take different pills and hormones to help my irregular and painful periods, but these medications just made me feel really sick, so I couldn’t take them for very long.

To further add to all my health woes, my doctor told me that my chances of ever conceiving naturally were at best slim and I had polycystic ovary syndrome.

I share my journey with polycystic ovary syndrome and natural PCOS treatment in this video. I’ll also share how I overcame adrenal fatigue, Hashimoto’s, infertility and other health issues.

What do you believe to be the best PCOS treatment? Post your comments below!

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