65-Year Old Raw And Plant-Based Grandma With Shocking Bloodwork

I wanted to share with you an amazing story about my mum, Alla.

My mum is probably the most emotional person in the world. She cries when she faces challenges in life and she cries when she experiences victories.

The other day she called me on the phone. She was crying.

“Doctor … I went to see the doctor … doctor said …”

I heard her crying.

“Mum, what? What happened?”

“Thank you so much. I’m so grateful to you. I shouldn’t cry at all, but … I really want to thank you.”

She went on to explain that she decided to have a complete bloodwork test, covering all the important health markers.

Her results? Well, let me give you some background first.

When I went fruit-based raw vegan 8 years ago, my mum was worried about us.

My family was already vegetarian for a few years, but eating raw seemed a bit too radical to them. She became concerned about Paul and I.

And then she saw how things were changing for us. How I was able to heal my body, how both Paul and I looked vibrant and fit, how we run a marathon and how I finally balanced my hormones and got fertile.

She wanted to understand more about our health system.

She’s read books on a raw and vegan lifestyle and she lived with us for a while, eating what we eat – that is fruit-based vegan.

Her skin improved, she overcome her lifelong constipation problems, dropped excess fat and got more energetic.

She started cycling and walking and even doing some intense cardio workouts.

She began to have this magical “glow” to her body and lightness to her mind.

65 year old raw and plant-based grandma with shocking bloodwork

All her relatives and friends around her started to comment on just how young she looks for her age (she’s now 65).

She’d slip a lot, going back to her vegetarian, ayurverda diet with ghee and other fatty vegetarian foods that would make her feel constipated again, more sluggish and put on extra pounds.

Because she lived close to us, I kept encouraging her to get back on track – that is get back to a fruit-based vegan eating plan and exercise daily.

She disliked me telling her this, but at the same time she also loved it.

She knew she had to do it and stretch herself a bit to be energetic, lean and healthy.

Now, going back to her calling me on the phone just recently ….

“My doctor said that she’s NEVER seen such perfect bloodwork amongst people of my age and she’s been a doctor for 30 years.

I don’t have any inflammation in my body now. My cholesterol is perfect. Every single marker is perfect.
The doctor was asking me about what I do and she said that she had finally seen an example of someone who is healthy at my age. She said to keep on going. She was really impressed …

Thank you so much for encouraging me all these years and helping me with this lifestyle.”

The moral of the story?

It often takes a kick to get going and to keep going on a fruit-based lifestyle. It often takes some kind of reason to do it as well.

For some people it’s a life-threatening condition (but please don’t wait until you get there!).

For others, it’s the excess weight that they can no longer want to carry around.

For others, it’s the understanding that they want to lead a quality life and ENJOY being vibrant, lean and healthy.

And if your mind says that you’re not ready, but you feel in your heart that now is the time to start making changes …

… There’s a very exciting opportunity for you.

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You get to actually DO it all, together with other people who have already jumped aboard our 10-Day Hormone Detox Program.

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Registration is closing tomorrow and then we start our 10-day cleanse!

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One thought on “65-Year Old Raw And Plant-Based Grandma With Shocking Bloodwork

  •   Natalie  |   

    Would of loved to see the blood results!

    Mum looks great. 🙂

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