12 Days On A Banana Detox Diet: Is It Healthy?

A good while ago, I made a video about how I spent 12 days on a banana detox diet and what happened to me.

That video went viral and it has now got nearly 4 million views, so people from all over the world started asking me questions about how to do a banana detox diet, also known as a ‘banana island’.

The banana detox diet is a detox cleanse consisting of basically bananas and can last from around just several days or up to a week and more.

It means having bananas as your main source of calories.

Yet, is this actually a healthy detox plan for you?

This is what I talk about in my video today:


Benefits of a banana detox diet

  • efficient and speedy detox
  • gives your digestive system a chance to focus on just one fruit and so expend less energy
  • speeds up healing and recovery
  • can result in a natural weight loss
  • can help to end cravings and unhealthy relationships with food
  • increases vitality, energy levels and mind clarity
  • can boost your fitness level and sports performance
  • one of the best ways to switch to a 100% low-fat raw food diet

What does the banana detox diet entail? 

  • you eat all the bananas you desire
  • you can add greens, like lettuce with your bananas to help you get more minerals and also sodium whilst on the island
  • you eat ONLY ripe bananas you eat your usual calories – no under-eating or calorie-restricting is involved
  • you drink plenty of water
  • you exercise as normal
  • you rest enough as your body will be going through deeper detox and restoration

Does the banana diet work?

I don’t believe in quick fixes or short term cleanses to fix long term health problems. If you have health issues – such as general hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, or gut issues like Candida – you need to have the right plan to balance your health.

In fact, most of our clients come to us with hormonal imbalances, weight issues and Candida. I talk about restoring hormones naturally here.

However, a short term banana detox diet cleanse, followed by a whole foods plant lifestyle plan can work wonders.

Here are some benefits that you can get from going on a banana cleanse:

  • helps you detox
  • can speed up healing and recovery
  • can result in natural weight loss
  • increases vitality, energy levels and mind clarity
  • can boost your fitness level and sports performance
  • one of the best ways to change your diet and transition to a healthier way of eating

Watch the video above to discover more!

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