What We Eat On A High Raw Vegan Diet And Omega 3

We have been following a high raw vegan diet for well over 12 years now and we love the way this diet and lifestyle makes us look and feel.

With a wide selection of fruits and vegetables that we include on our high raw vegan diet plan, like bananas, mangos, watermelons, lettuces, and many more it is ideal for your health, including high raw vegan diet weight loss, detox, and for many more vegan diet benefits.

And with the current situation in the world, it is more important than ever now to make sure you are giving your body the fuel it not only needs to carry out everyday physical activities but also feeds your brain with mood-boosting, anti-inflammatory foods as well.

This means, including plenty of raw vegan foods in your high fruit raw vegan diet or a high raw vegan menu like raw fruits and vegetables.

On a low fat, vegan diet plan or raw vegan diet, with mood-boosting fruits and vegetables, you will feel the difference and this is exactly what many of our clients have experienced as well, helping them to even come off their antidepressant medications through following this menu plan and working with their doctor.

It means going high carb and low fat for optimal health results, including high carb weight loss and the many other associated vegan diet benefits.

High Raw Vegan Diet

Omega 3 is another very important element of a healthy raw food vegan or high raw vegan diet and omega 3 foods like chia seeds and flax seeds are very high in their omega 3 content and ideal for including in a healthy meal plan.

Omega 3 benefits include the potential to lower blood lipid levels, lower blood pressure, lower risk of heart attacks, strokes and help with optimal blood flow in the brain, so again achieving optimal brain health.

From whole foods vegan diet weight loss to lowering inflammation and feeling younger with more energy, a plant-based diet has many benefits.

This is what we have been doing ourselves for almost a decade with a high carb diet, coaching on a high-carb fruit-based vegan diet that helps you reach your health goals, feeling energized and ready to enjoy your life to the full.

Healthy living comes from making the right choices with your diet and lifestyle and going raw vegan, high raw vegan, or whole foods plant-based.

So in our video today we share with you what we buy and eat here in Costa Rica and the lifestyle choices that we make so we can live our lives to the full.

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