100 Squats A Day For 30 Days: Before & After And How To Do Them For Weight Loss & Fitness

Squats are a full body movement that activates almost every muscle in the body. It is a great exercise to include for weight loss and fitness.

I decided to commit to a 100 squat a day for 30 days challenge and make a video about my squat experiment, with before and after photos.

Not only did this challenge benefited my body physically, it also allowed for increased speed in my running. So squats can boost sports performance too.

Here are some of the benefit of this exercise:

  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased muscle and bone strength
  • Increased flexibility and strength of knees (if done correctly, of course)
  • Burns fat and increases muscle
  • Can lead to weight loss
  • Good for digestion
  • Improved circulation
  • Improves the pumping of bodily fluids and assists in removal of waste and in the delivery of nutrition to all tissues, including organs and glands
  • Improved bowel movements
  • Low impact, and therefore doesn’t put strain on one’s back
  • Can be done without any equipment or accessories (utilising own body weight for the squat)
  • Can be done anywhere, indoors or out, therefore an impactful and a cheap exercise option
  • Improved posture
  • Fast results
  • Have a positive effect on endogenous testosterone production

Why should squats be part of an exercise regime?

It has enormous benefits for the body, and given that so many muscles are utilised in squats (quadriceps, gluteal muscles, hamstrings, erector spinae, rectus abdominis, tibialis anterior, soleus, gastrocnemius, obliques).

It almost seems to be THE exercise of choice if one has limited time and wants to maximise a workout.

Squats are a compound movement, which means that it is a movement that uses more than one joint (hip and knee joints) to complete.

Having great form and technique when doing a squat is important in avoiding injury and achieving maximum benefit.

How to do a regular squat:

  1. warm up
  2. stand with knees slightly bent and feet just over shoulder width apart
  3. head straight, so look straight ahead
  4. keep back in a neutral position, and make sure that knees are over feet
  5. slowly bend knees, hips and ankles, ensuring that the back is straight all the way through, inhaling as you go down
  6. return to starting position while exhaling
  7. repeat 15 to 20 times, for 2 to 3 sets, for beginners

A few things to remember:

  • do not make sudden and jerky movements whilst doing the squat
  • make sure the body is balanced
  • start slowly and do not overdo it – there is no rush
  • build up strength and stability
  • always keep back straight when doing squats – very important
  • distribute body weight onto heels and quads

Of course you cannot just squat yourself to a slim shape and vibrant health, whilst neglecting your diet.

So a whole-food, plant-based meal plan that is as much raw as possible is going to help you not only shift any extra weight and keep it off long term, but also boost your health and rejuvenate you on every level.

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241 thoughts on “100 Squats A Day For 30 Days: Before & After And How To Do Them For Weight Loss & Fitness

  •   James Bailey  |   

    that should have been 998, 999, 1000!! 😉

  •   Flo Bartholomew  |   

    Can I do some weights training in the 80/ 10/10 diet ?

  •   Claude Abrams  |   

    Hi Yulia. Glad you're promoting squatting. It is, as you say, a tremendous movement, but also one which many people find incredibly difficult to do correctly. I work on squats every day and coach people to squat. It's become a bit of an obsession of mine. I see all sorts of flaws, mainly due to flexibility and strength issues. But squats, when done properly, do more good than bad, that's for sure. My only query is that I'd always recommend squatting BELOW parallel, which is to get a full range of motion, and not stopping at 90 degrees. All those Asians you see sitting by the roadside can squat almost to the floor and stay there. It's safe. That's why their toilets are holes in the ground and without a good squat you are in trouble. You can also build lean muscle through squatting, though that's usually with a big load. Squatting for reps will definitely tone your body throughout. 

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    Not a huge difference before and after, however I got much stronger and abs are tighter.

  •   ElephantsTongue  |   

    How old are you?

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    In my early thirties.

  •   Anni Lena  |   

    wow there is definetely a difference!

  •   EternalEscence84  |   

    I recently picked up Convict Conditioning. It has great tips on how to develop your squats. Its great for people who are just starting and not so fit to those who are super fit. Richiefruitbat is also doing this program too. If you haven’t already, check it out. I think you like the other exercises in it too.

  •   dick pound  |   


  •   zippers2  |   

    i like to do the squats with my legs apart, and toes pointing out to side (sort of pointing side/front), hands on waist, and pulse, start with 10, and work up to 50. This way will not bulk up thighs, but make the muscles long and lean. hold your core tight while pulsing..( if this bothers your knees, just raise your toes to point up to ceiling).try it. you’ll be amazed.

  •   konyinsola12  |   

    still no ass

  •   flamencomypassion  |   

    Great idea! I’m on board. Any advice for someone who used to run then stopped for a year then this week on 6/18 decided to run 27 mi in 4 days. One mile/year of marriage. We’ll be celebrating 27 yrs. 6/22. Now that I’m done I will rest 6/23-24. How should my running schedule be to stay consistent yet challenge myself. Any advice would be appreciated!

  •   nakamukaa  |   

    I luv u

  •   BonnieLiesel  |   

    Ted mentions on one of his 100squatsaday videos that this is the only exercise you should do – what do you think

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    It is a great exercise to do, however you will need to develop all aspects of fitness, including speed, flexibility, etc.

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    Doing squats will help your running strenght.

  •   Vadym Shestak  |   

    Hello! I’m Michael.I did -35 lbs last 7 days.Go to iwondiet.com

  •   Subodh Stha  |   

    It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when other people are able to burn fat so easily with Atomic Fat Loss (Look it up on google).

  •   Subodh Stha  |   

    It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when other people are able to burn fat so easily with Atomic Fat Loss (Look it up on google).

  •   Anna Ta  |   

    Thank you so much, since I am a long distance runner, hopefully this will help me perform more better

  •   Aditya Singh  |   

    Weight loss programs are dying for as many individuals as possible to to try their new products to show that there program really does help people lose weight.
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  •   policedistrust  |   

    Great video, I love the free tips on weight loss and fitness.

  •   Daniel Shepherd  |   

    Sounds more like central Europe to me, maybe Italy.

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    Its Russian!

  •   Béatrice Frecines  |   

    Hi, do you warm up before squatting? What about stretching after squatting?

  •   1hopefulman  |   

    Hi! I would like you or your husband or both to do a video where we could do the squats with you. Th same could be done for push-ups or any other exercise that you find is something we should do. What do you think?

  •   shunkamarok  |   

    I am glad squats work for you. But I must point out that you need to go lower, below 90 degrees. Only then are your posterior chain and hams and glutes really used. It’s known as an ATG (ass to grass) squat.

  •   Hussein Obama  |   


    check out that weightlifting fruitarian channel

  •   kyliebell1  |   

    you actually look better before…

  •   kuziamimi  |   

    No she’s Russian.

  •   Katie Powell  |   

    I can’t do squats because I have bad knees

    •   Mike  |   

      I do squats because I have bad knees (torn meniscus)

  •   lukehareoum1  |   

    Your holding in your abdomen on the “after” pic…… Anywho

  •   xojackiexo123456789  |   

    Noooo you are doing it all wrong you can’t bend your back! youre going to hurt yourself!

  •   Mohamed Alnuaimi  |   

    she talk to much. better to go directly to the point

  •   Анатолий Савушкин  |   

    Well.. .I did -10 lbs last two weeks.More here hawght.so\#86ok8H3

  •   Roman Mami  |   

    There is no such thing as “Detox”.

  •   Roman Mami  |   

    Before: 1:39
    After: 1:57

  •   chanaka2424  |   

    It would be a shame if you did not bulk up when these other people are able to lose weight so easily using Slim Body Maximizer (check it out on Google).

  •   shreezan ban  |   

    Have you tried Slim Body Maximizer? (check it out on google) It is a quick and easy way to burn off fat fast.

  •   shreezan ban  |   

    If you want to burn calories fast, you should do a google search Slim Body Maximizer. That can help you get the body you deserve.

  •   planethate  |   

    What’s with the jungle music when you start doing the excercises?

  •   rasidmamunur  |   

    Visualize getting rid of weight quickly? Well Fast Fat Furlong will make you lose weight… Period.. Give it a go, just search the phrase Fast Fat Furlong.

  •   CouponCodeNorton  |   

    Have you experienced Lean Body Blaster? (do a google search for it) It is a quick and easy way for you to lose weight fast.

  •   Kim Fortin  |   

    I’m 5’1″ and I have muscular thighs and I’m excited to do squats, but I really want to make my thighs leaner and not more muscular. Do you have any advice regarding whether or not the squats will make me more muscular? Also, any ideas on how to make my thighs leaner?

    Thanks so much for all you do as I just came across your videos in the youtube sidebar!

  •   noyjanet  |   

    Katie, this exercise will actually strengthen your knees with time. What you should do at first, is to squat but not so low/deep.
    Find a position and deep that is comfortable for you and that you feel no pain in your knees when squatting, and keep going at this level for at least 3 times a week for one month.
    After a month, try to go a ted lower/deeper and you’ll be amazed of your progress and strength.
    The MOST important thing is, do not go with your knees over your toes 🙂
    Good luck, enjoy.

  •   noyjanet  |   

    Also, look at this Facebook page, it’s very informative and have a video on correct squat position.

  •   Anwar Jahid  |   

    Put Your Comment Here–Spintax Does Work

  •   Omskanielar  |   

    I have the same problem, I easily tend to build much more muscle on my thights/ whole legs than anywhere else, I really don’t like that, besides, it’s hard to find pants if you need like ‘3’ inches smaller for your waist than you need on your legs, some tips (if someone has a few) would be great =)

  •   Omskanielar  |   

    You sure don’t look like you’re in your early thierties =)

  •   Omskanielar  |   

    Isn’t that going to hurt the knees?

  •   aanchal harit  |   

    simply great. dont waste time guys , rush to this site and get ur ipad3 or iphone as per ur choice. just listen for now, your address and mail id is enough to receive ur ipad3. have a try and enjoy 🙂 -> bit.ly/19zzRPg?=bxwytr

  •   Aarjan pokhrel  |   

    Put Your Comment Here–Spintax Does Work

  •   colette2345  |   

    I tried to do 50 squats a day. After two days I couldn’t walk I was so sore. It felt like someone had punched me in my thighs. I wonder what I could get with 20 squats a day??

  •   uday theeng  |   

    Put Your Comment Here–Spintax Does Work

  •   uday theeng  |   

    Put Your Comment Here–Spintax Does Work

  •   suman yadav  |   

    Put Your Comment Here–Spintax Does Work

  •   TheBudhistpunk  |   

    I use a lighter to burn my fart.

  •   Krisha Wyatt  |   

    Just do as many as u can the first day then the next day do 5 more. Then day 3 do 5 more and on the 4th day take a break. Do this every fourth day yr body needs to slowly build up to it hope this helps!!

  •   bla de  |   

    did 100 it kills :'( but I know its worth it on the end 🙂

  •   lulubby3  |   

    if you were really doing 100 a day for 30 days wouldn’t you gain muscle weight in your butt and thighs? because i cant see the difference in the before and after video.

  •   SElZl  |   

    Try it with 100kg on your back

  •   Gusti Lemon  |   

    exactly my problem too…

  •   DERDER DEREDER  |   

    Google Sweet Weight Shredder… Its the best way to lose weight. This video is great but wait until you discover the diet taught when you buy Sweet Weight Shredder… I cut 8 lbs in just one week.

  •   Oscar Carnero  |   

    i dont think so she looks older

  •   als bhujel  |   

    Google the phrase Sweet Weight Shredder… It’s awesome. This video is great but wait until you discover the nutrition plan you could learn when you buy Sweet Weight Shredder… My brother cut 6 pounds in one week.

  •   EatRawGreens  |   

    I have problems when I exercise to do my breathing correctly.. so silly.. 🙂

  •   niburu2012  |   

    Before: 1:40After: 1:54

  •   Candida Fewer  |   

    Diet supplement companies are dying for individuals to to try their new products to demonstrate that they really help people lose weight.Well you must check out this site that will send free samples to your home, its the best way to get free weight loss programs! :)Have a look here bit.ly/1eZYHFO?v=povnf

  •   jkklaffs  |   


  •   SSSSSSandman  |   

    25×4 or 50×2? How much time are you resting in between sets?

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    100 squats straight and no rests but you can also do 2 x 50 sets as well.

  •   lyonsd1875  |   

    Why just squats (actually, these are deep knee bends)? Better to do 100 of each: deep knee bends, pushups, situps, and pullups.

  •   Shalin Raj  |   

    Yep I agree. even i was very sad since i workout well for abs but nothing was coming.btw!but ye My international body building trainer also recommended this 7 food elements to kill your fat belly.i found it here bit.ly/16REj4U?=pnlbu

  •   Whispering Falls  |   

    You did the squats incorrectly.

  •   Christopher Ensminger  |   

    Good job!

  •   Deana Osborn  |   

    Hey everyone, for the past weeks I have been following this simple weight loss program from POUNDALE.com and I lost 27 pounds so far. Its 100% natural weight loss solution Follow POUNDALE.com for best results.You would be very surprised on how easy it is to lose weight, I would highly suggest visiting this website called POUNDALE.COM .How does the wide-eyed effect search the question?Why does the lush wine categorize the condition?The use drafts the envious middle.

  •   Paramania15  |   

    Wanted to see the difference in thighs and butt?

  •   Honey Cullen  |   

    Yeah, me too.

  •   bernardo00124719  |   

    you swin, run, cycle and do push ups, and you think the squats did that? hardly.

  •   abjkl  |   

    Really very helpful video. Thank you !!

  •   Itachiii  |   

    I’ve been doing this for 14 days and I got RIPPED…

  •   Kandumany Velupillai Rudra  |   

    You are right. i know the bad fat is the reason that stopping 6 pack coming outside even we work out well.Between I heard that most of the celebrities used to follow to kill their belly using this 7 food items.you can watch out here bit.ly/17ZTsFS?=dbcbb

  •   Om Basom  |   

    Hi I used to have a bubble butt but it sagged because of mang reasons and now I am doing squats for the second week the question is am I getting my bubble butt again with squats?

  •   Vijay Kashyap  |   

    You’re right. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly.Listen My international body building trainer also recommended this 7 food elements to kill your fat belly.have a look here SIXPP.COMLove removes the world for you, and just as surely when it’s going well as when it’s going badly.

  •   Abdul Lone  |   

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  •   Rifanto Bikang  |   

    Just google Max Muscle Method to discover the thousands of ordinary people who got stronger who never thought they could.

  •   Sunil Shetty  |   

    My classmates laughed when I told them I would shed fat with Skinnimaker Diet, but then I showed them the results. Google Skinnimaker Diet to see their reaction.

  •   Abhijith K.A  |   

    This Almost-Magical Exercise Strategy builds muscle faster than steroids. Go google Morsch Muscle Madness to find out more.

  •   Noushad Saiyyad  |   

    Have you heard about the fat shedding system that lies hidden in your body. Copy And Paste into Google Fat Blast Factor to bring it out.

  •   Sherri Lynn  |   

    You look AMAZING. You’ve inspired me to do this challenge.

  •   Ma Garacia Parabu  |   

    If you have been trying to lose weight, you should do a google search Fat Blast Formula. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  •   gunshooter26  |   

    Bad technique…. Sorry, just gotta say it

  •   Martin White  |   

    day 1, pwned! 29 more days come get some though

  •   yeonji seo  |   

    if you boys need to get ripped rapid without spending a one additional minute in the gym, then you really want to check out this video tutorial COOK46.COMINNO ALLA DONNA – A. Merini Stupenda immacolata fortuna per te tutte le creature del regno si sono aperte e tu sei diventata la regina delle nostre ombre per te gli uomini hanno preso

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    if you dudes require to get ripped a lot quicker without wasting a single another minute in the gym, then you really want to check out this online video SIXPP.COMThe death knell for Detroit’s automobile industry was neither competition from abroad nor gross mismanagement

  •   sanjeev nandy  |   

    Go google Max Muscle Method to discover the thousands of people who got ripped who never thought they could.

  •   Emil Essa  |   

    To folks who want to melt fat–but can’t get started. Copy And Paste Into Google Skinnimaker Diet right away.

  •   Moh Shan  |   

    To people who want to get ripped eventually. Go and Google Morsch Muscle Madness to find out more.

  •   Manisha M  |   

    This almost-magical weight losing tactic melts fat faster than any powders, pills, or potions. Go google Fat Blast Blueprint to find out more.

  •   Little Mike  |   

    My family laughed when I told them I was going to melt fat with Stupid Simple Slimming, but then they saw the results. Do a search on google for Stupid Simple Slimming to see their reaction.

  •   amitels  |   

    Keep the back straight as you squat!

  •   mimoo11111  |   

    these are not full squats, you’re not going to parallel. Not bashing though, good job.

  •   chanki gupta  |   

    if you boys desire to get ripped immediately without spending a single another minute in the gym, then you should check out this video tutorial SIXPP.COMIt’s a very funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.

  •   Harsha Prabath  |   

    Hey YouTubers, have you experienced Max Muscle Method? (Google it) You will learn about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Max Muscle Method, you will discover how to build muscle fast.

  •   Hacker Ragul  |   

    My classmates laughed when I told them I would melt fat with Fat Blast Blueprint, but then they saw the results. Google Fat Blast Blueprint to see their reaction.

  •   hemant k  |   

    Have you heard about Morsch Muscle Madness? (check it out on google) It is a quick way to bulk up fast.

  •   anitha akkinikuntla  |   

    Have you heard about Stupid Simple Slimming? (Go google it) It is a quick and easy way to lose weight fast.

  •   hemant k  |   

    Have you heard about Morsch Muscle Madness? (check it out on google) It is a quick way to bulk up fast.

  •   Slh Kokoslh  |   

    To folks who want to get skinnier some day, Go Google Skinnimaker Diet so you can get started

  •   Alen  |   

    if you boys need to get ripped much faster without spending a single another minute in the gym, then you should watch this video tutorial SIXPP.COMLove it, regardless of logic as you say. It must be regardless of logic.

  •   schnecki07  |   

    if you love squats already, you will certainly go mad with walking lunges..way more effective than squats..TRY IT and see for yourself 😉 …or combine the two…so intense and effective 🙂

  •   sovan bajracharya  |   

    Do you reckon I would be able to get in shape with this approach? Belly Busting Box just helped me lose 3 stones. Google it and try it out. It’s the one and only thing that’s working for me.

  •   Ashish Chitrakar  |   

    Hi, have you discovered Morsch Muscle Madness? (look for it on google) You will learn about the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Morsch Muscle Madness, you will discover how to bulk up quickly.

  •   deepa gurung  |   

    It would be a shame if you did not get ripped when these ordinary people are able to bulk up easily using Mega Muscle Method (search for it on google).

  •   soman magar  |   

    Hello, have you seen Fat Blast Furnace? (Go Google it) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Fat Blast Furnace, you will discover how to melt fat quickly.

  •   Sinduja Namb  |   

    If you seriously want to get ripped, you should do a google search Max Muscle Method. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  •   lhundup chhata  |   

    Have you seen Stupid Simple Slimming? (do a google search for it) It is a quick way for you to burn fat fast.

  •   missbrownskin0  |   

    She doesn’t squat. Look at her butt. That does not look like the butt of someone that does 100 squats a day! She also looked and sounded like she was reading from something in front of her. Where are the before and after pics too??? This vid could have been better

  •   Derek Smith  |   

    1. She only did it for a month, her ass would not grow that much – also dependant on diet.2. The high reps will provide more conditioning than muscle growth in the ass.So, shh.

  •   Cassie Aikey  |   

    I think i’ll give it a try and combine it with my other workouts

  •   Mark Ohlson  |   

    Great Video. 🙂

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    Many thanks!

  •   Vegan Daddy  |   

    NO WAY i could do 100 non stop squats…MAN i must be out of shape….orrrrr the video started at 98…one of the two. lol…im just jealous….i body weight exercsie pretty havily…and cant do 100 straight….

  •   porkyo123  |   

    Put some meat on that butt.

  •   alefeaperez  |   

    Where’s your butt?

  •   wawa nazam  |   

    can people with bad knees do squat?such as a dislocated knee person?

  •   Rawsomehealthy  |   

    Consult with your MD first if you are concerned about your physical capability/safety of doing this exercise with regards to your knees.

  •   Hybby  |   

    I was also waiting to see the ‘before’ picture. And you’re right. There’s a missing squatbutt on her.

  •   Hybby  |   

    By the by, where’s the ‘before’ picture? 🙂

  •   Supriya Raut  |   

    My coworkers laughed when I told them I would melt fat with Fat Blast Blueprint, but then they saw the results. Go and google Fat Blast Blueprint to see their reaction.

  •   Isanka Fernando  |   

    They laughed when I told them I was going to get ripped with Max Muscle Method, but then they saw the results. Go google Max Muscle Method to see their reaction.

  •   Nesha Burch  |   

    I do squats when my knees are not inflamed and do dead lifts (regular, one-legged, strait-leg) when my knees are not feeling well. I do not have dislocation problems, but instead torn meniscus problems. Dead lifts will strengthen the legs and butt to help stabilize the knees and hips. A great alternative to get your reps in. Hope this helps.

  •   Derp Derpson  |   

    Down to parallel, Not even once.

  •   Kim Do Gin  |   
  •   Jade Nagaraja  |   

    I’m in for 30 days challenge. !00 Squats a day from tomorrow 🙂 thanks for the inspiration and information.

  •   DTL LANKA  |   

    Have you ever heard of someone regular shedding weight–and enjoying 3 full delicious meals at the same time? Go Google Fat Blast Furnace to learn more.

  •   sameer ahmed  |   

    Crazy clip. Wonderful clip. My brother was once a fatty. He went from 285 lbs of pure fat into 200 lbs of purely natural lean muscle mass. Everybody was in shock. I just signed up myself as I would like to boost my physique. He used the Muscle Building Bible (Google it)…

  •   rajan dheke  |   

    Hello, have you heard about Stupid Simple Slimming? (look it up on google) You will discover the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Stupid Simple Slimming, you will discover how to shed fat quickly.

  •   TheMakeupbyalia  |   

    When she was doing the squats she was bending her back, when u r supposed to keel it straight.

  •   zeynep güneş  |   

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  •   rita kc  |   

    This Almost-Magical Workout Method builds muscle faster than steroids. Go Google Morsch Muscle Madness to find out more.

  •   rohit shahi  |   

    Hey YouTubers, have you experienced Max Muscle Method? (look for it on google) You will learn about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Max Muscle Method, you will discover how to get ripped quickly.

  •   anaconda118  |   

    ……boring the shit out of me

  •   Larry Nock  |   

    I was very skeptical to try it but . Weight loss grean store Tea is simply amazing!, Well, let me tell you, it was SO worth the price! I’ve been drinking it for about 3 weeks. The first week I only drank it twice a day and missed a day or 2 in there due to not remembering. That first week I lost only about 3 lbs. The second week I’ve been drinking it three times a day for the most part and have lost about 6-7 lbs more than the 1st week, for a total of about 10 lbs in the first 3 weeks. I found it fromweightlossgreenstore-

  •   mrdave22  |   

    brutal form

  •   PETERARNOLD68  |   

    beautiful girl !

  •   asdcano12345  |   

    They laughed when I told them I was going to shed fat with Stupid Simple Slimming, but then I showed them the results. Do a search on google for Stupid Simple Slimming to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)

  •   Deirdre Weedon  |   

    Starting this tomorrow!

  •   Kynna Hodgin  |   

    I’ve seen a lot of people do this challenge but she doesn’t have the results of the workout. Well I do understand everybody’s body is different.

  •   Roger Robie  |   

    uhm, work on your form girl

  •   Lee Sybrant  |   

    Luv this video

  •   Rinu s Chandren  |   

    I have been able to lose weight steadily for the past one month all because of ExprezSliminizer. Check it out on Google yourself.

  •   Burcin Dere  |   

    how about a before/after picture

  •   Erin W  |   

    Ummmm…her butt still looks flat as hell…so unless it was concave before, I’d say either she was squatting wrong, or it had no effect on her body.

  •   James Thomas  |   

    good idea!

  •   Fivefeet ofFemale  |   

    You’re going too fast. Bodyweight squats should be a controlled motion, feeling the resistance when you are parallel and then squeezing your glutes when you are in a standing. To hit the glutes better you should adopt a wider stance (sumo squat) than feet shoulder width apart with your knees and toes pointed outwards. I would suggest 50 normal stance squats and 50 sumo squats. As you grow comfortable you can train the muscle more by dropping below parallel and A2G (ass to the grass). Try and squat as low as you can per rep. 100 reps of this and your glutes will definitely be growing.

  •   Fivefeet ofFemale  |   

    You’re going too fast. Bodyweight squats should be a controlled motion, feeling the resistance when you are parallel and then squeezing your glutes when you are in a standing. To hit the glutes better you should adopt a wider stance (sumo squat) than feet shoulder width apart with your knees and toes pointed outwards. I would suggest 50 normal stance squats and 50 sumo squats. As you grow comfortable you can train the muscle more by dropping below parallel and A2G (ass to the grass). Try and squat as low as you can per rep. 100 days of this and your glutes will definitely notice a difference.

  •   aklosh kirat  |   

    To average people who want to burn pounds–but can’t get started. Just google Skinnimaker System right away.

  •   Stacey Stoyanov  |   

    Thanks I’ll do it (100 a day for 30 days) but I watched the whole video, you said before and after, but i never saw the pictures?

  •   Larry Richelli  |   

    I sit at a desk for 8 hours every day. I started doing 30 bodyweight squats ever hour on the hour. I am feeling great because I am also on a 100% raw vegan diet!

  •   Lindrew Augustin  |   

    I don’t see a physical difference

  •   sonu maharjan  |   

    Go Google Skinnimaker System and you’ll find out how particular foods ‘explode’ in your stomach.

  •   Judge Dredd  |   

    getting a bigger but requires more wieght…..such as using a barbell. I remember having no butt but after squatting so much more weight I got a nice firm plump butt.lol

  •   Demetria Anna  |   

    Do u have to do 100 straight?

  •   SakuraHaruma1988  |   

    a lot of misinformation/-education going on here..squads are something else..u r bending…hmmm

  •   Jacqueline Golosinski  |   

    No difference

  •   T_Vall87  |   


  •   BombasticWang  |   

    gotta get your knees farther appart doing squats and you will be able to go far deeper.. always try to show your crotch while doing squats.. i know it sounds silly but it works 100x better and will be far more difficult

  •   BeHealthyBeHappy  |   

    Woohoo awesome

  •   1234lilspooky  |   

    Flat ass

  •   butterchicken4life  |   

    im pretty sure she’s doing everything they tell you not to do when doing squats

  •   godislovin  |   

    whats the max grams of fat considered low fat raw vegan per day?

  •   Jeff Swett  |   

    38, 99, 100!

  •   2stunden  |   

    +Kim Fortin you need to extend your hips with your gluteus maximus, not with the quadriceps femoris. if you focus on this your legs will become leaner again and your behind more functional/firmer/sexier looking.

  •   Jennifer Karlsson  |   

    Ok in sorry but you have to work on your squat teqnice

  •   93remix  |   

    uhhhhhhhhh, no disrespect, but I looked @ your before1:40 and after1:52, a
    couple of times and I really didn’ see the difference. 2nd, if you do a
    before and after you’re really supposed to do it in the same spot with the
    same amount of light. sorry, I’m not convinced. but keep up the good work,
    exercising is great!

  •   Kiddo Xid  |   

    you didn`t even make 1 correct squat , stupid video

  •   Yuri Cristobal  |   

    Ufffff Hell Naw I Get Tired By Doing 25 Squats So I Dont Think I Could Do

  •   Kara Strickland  |   

    I work on a construction site where the toilets are about 200′ away from my
    office trailer…because I eat so much fruit I pee every hour or so…each
    time I walk to the toilet I do 20 squats and 10 push ups (if there is no on
    else in there lol)… After just a few weeks I feel soo much stronger!!
    Plus it give me a boost of energy..

  •   tlferro  |   

    You look great but you never showed us your glutes, and since you’re doing
    swimming and cycling and who knows what else, you can’t really say that
    your change came just from the squats.

  •   Tim Schaffer  |   

    please, love ur videos, but google how to do healthy and right squats….

  •   Georgia Powley  |   

    Very poor technique

  •   Shardy Wardy  |   

    Her butt didn’t lift up because she is bending, not squatting.. You’re
    supposed to have your legs farther apart and poke your butt out abit more.

  •   Carolina DeLeon  |   

    This lady has no butt though ??

  •   江瑞宗  |   

    James Woody, himself.

  •   Shaun Connolly  |   

    I need to look up how to squat properly now, as everything you did goes
    against what my cousin who is a fitness instructor told me how to do!

  •   Crazy to be healthy  |   

    You have a horrible color , you need some protein.

  •   Nicole Monroy  |   

    horrible form…

  •   Susan Dacre  |   

    Oh hi! Have you considered Dimply Amazing Cellulite Removal (Google it)? I
    have heard some amazing reports about it and my neighbor got excellent
    results with it in weeks.

  •   13x60  |   

    You can basically squat however you want, however comfortable you feel
    doing them. I used to do it differently and I’d go all the way
    down…………….muscles showed on my legs, and man I could jump and

  •   gamer_time  |   

    53 reps

  •   Equilibrium  |   

    Well I wouldnt be able to go. I have Crohns Disease which sucks :(((

  •   TheMorfin2011  |   

    It looks like all raw girls do bad squats, there is no difference on your
    before and after. There are several ways to properly do squats for toning
    legs and benefit your bottom. Barbell squats give you the best results

  •   Dan Mac  |   

    3:30 sorry not trying to hate ( I like your channel) but you are doing it
    wrong, and worse, you are teaching wrong. Your knees should not move that
    forward, you are putting pressure on the knees and thats very bad for knee
    friction and wear. Try to put your ass more to the back and move the knees
    only half a inch, this way all the stress goes to the muscles and not to
    your knees. If your rotula is not aligned you can really wear it out doing
    the way you are teaching.

  •   Bobby Galiano  |   

    I wish she was squalling on my face.

  •   Rob Ruddy  |   

    Try bodyweight Sissy Squats. Those really hit the quads.

  •   Laura Randell  |   

    Your form is really off! Try to make sure your upper body is vertical the
    whole way up and down, keep your chest up as high as you can. Also make
    sure you do you squats a bit slower in order to achieve a higher degree of
    control, making sure to squeeze your buns as tight as you can when you come
    back up. You will see much better and faster results and it will also be
    better for your knees and neck 🙂

  •   Aja bailey  |   

    day 1

  •   ben piper  |   

    You have great energy, but you might want to explore proper squatting form
    before teaching it.

  •   Freshta Nahil  |   

    Why didn’t Kandas do the album

  •   How To Get Rid Of Cellulite  |   

    You have inspired me to start my own 30 day squat challenge. I will update
    my progress 30 days from today

  •   Deniz Karaman  |   

    Ok she’s not squatting properly :/ really annoys me when people can’t squat
    properly and then they teach other people how to do them. She’s spreading
    the right message nonetheless.

  •   Escape2Muszik  |   

    I am not squat expert but she’s leaning way too far forward when doing

  •   William Swift  |   

    That seems so hard! Did you do all 100 squats at once? Would you burn
    yourself out? I get tired around 30.

  •   That Lyric Girl  |   

    Christina Aguilera’s Fighter all the way! Actually most of her songs, but

  •   Paul Jensen  |   


  •   jayden kauffman  |   

    These aren’t squats, lmfao.

  •   Tara Moore  |   

    I’m trying to lose body fat and get thinner legs does anyone know if this
    will work?!

  •   candan erkan  |   

    I watched some of your video, thank you but i want to ask 🙂 where do you
    live the place you make video, amazing:)

  •   SuperCtownsend  |   

    As shown in the video, you’re doing the squats wrong. Your chest should be
    up and your knees shouldn’t move over your ankles. I don’t know if you lost
    correct posture because you were doing so many without laser focus in the
    end, but that’s definitely not correct in video. Otherwise, great!

  •   Rosaline Jordan  |   

    Oh no she did not…

  •   Kt Vivacious  |   

    I expected to SEE the difference in her BUM???? That IS what this is
    SUPPOSE to be about. LOL I SEE no difference because I did NOT get to SEE
    the results of the Body Area you were suppose to be working on. Just

  •   XxCOOKEExxMONSTARxX  |   

    lol she could’ve been chillin on her couch eatin hot Cheetos a 100 day
    worth of no ass

  •   Mama Warrior  |   

    It gets so much easier every day and it feels like I could keep on

  •   Diana Leighland  |   

    What is proper dental hygiene for a fruitarian? Brushing after every meal with water or baking soda? Have you made a video on the proper dental hygiene that you learned afterthe first year of fruit that was hard on your teeth? Please email me with your answer. Thanks, I AM

  •   viatility lol  |   

    Wow lean back. Its like your trying to snif the grass the way your leaning

  •   Marisa E  |   

    98 – 99 -100 .. that’s 3 squats 🙂 lol

  •   Archil Gogoladze  |   

    I wanted to other version of fw200, sad they only added C1, they should add
    C3 it had 20mm defense. It’s not going to be op if they do that. Tell that
    to H6K on 2.0

  •   Constantine Soteriou  |   

    The beginning of this video reminded me the good old joke with the guy at
    the gym. He starts counting his push ups (…5, 6, 7, etc) and when a
    beautiful woman approaches he counts outloud way many more (…234, 235,
    236.) LOLOLOLOL

  •   robert koller  |   

    It doesn’t matter if she leans forward retards, her legs bend to 90
    degrees. Try doing weighted squats without leaning forward, bet you fall on
    your ass.

  •   Epicpiguy  |   

    Top 10 reasons to wait till marriage

  •   Jackie QB  |   

    So really, her results are flawed because she did admit to doing other
    exercises while doing 100 squats a day for 30 days. Her results are based
    on ALL of the activities she does, not just the squats. It’s a good video
    don’t get me wrong, i understand that her performance for other workouts
    have increased but there’s no results to show what exactly the squats did
    for her.

  •   Sophia Rodriguez  |   

    what the fuck

  •   jd jade  |   
  •   Arletta Sloan  |   

    You know, I never heard that before, about squats helping to release HGH.
    Before, I would have been inclined to be much more skeptical of such a
    claim. However, I happen to know that I have been occasionally doing
    squats, and, doing them effectively when I have been doing them, and, even
    though I have not been doing any other exercise at all (except a bare
    minimum of walking) my legs and arms have both gained quite a bit of muscle
    tone and my posture is so much better!

  •   Hannah Unsworth  |   

    i thought 100 squats would be 2 hard, the first day was realy hard and the
    same with the second but then after the third it got so easy up to when i
    got to like 80 but only having 20 left i kept pushing, im not finished yet
    but getting there…

  •   SouthHemiTV2  |   

    2:53 Jungle mode

  •   Rachael Walters  |   

    I don’t think I can do this. Maybe my thighs are too fat at the back to go
    that low.

  •   Amy Lilley  |   

    Lol she would fall backwards if she lent back, that squat is fine and I am
    a personal trainer.

  •   I win  |   

    I do 100 sissy squat and that was rough….

  •   FRANK RAMSEY  |   

    Very inspiring– I am going to start today !

  •   Elena Riabinina  |   

    I am sorry for asking very simple ? How old are you ?

  •   Erin O'Neill  |   

    If I do 100 squats a day for a week will I see results?

  •   mullah amin  |   

    I am wondering if by 100 squats a day, she means every day or alternate

  •   MyLifeAs- Samaria  |   

    I Love this video its cool
    But… dont know how i got here lol

  •   Elisa Biz  |   

    One of the main causes of Cancer is having too much acid in your blood (imbalance of blood PH). Colon cancer, a kind of cancer which is fast growing these days can be prevented by taking around 25 grams of natural fiber daily. This also prevents constipation and keep you regular.


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  •   Josephine Schnitzer  |   

    Looking slim!

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